Understanding Intuition- Trusting Your Partner’s Instincts

Oftentimes, we think we know what’s best for ourselves.  However, there are some situations that our partner may have keen awareness or a “gut feeling” that we may miss. It’s important to consider your partner’s perspective because they know you and want the best for you.  When you’re good, we’re good. Sometimes your partner may […]

Let’s Talk About Loyalty

What is it? Loyalty: commitment,  faithfulness,  devotion When does loyalty go too far? When you’re committed to the wrong things When your relationship is unhealthy When YOU are in an unhealthy state When are you committed to the wrong things? Examples: what they can buy and/or provide for you is more important perceptions of others- […]

Marriage Burnout

It’s when you’ve become tired and it doesn’t feel that you have the energy to stick with the process. You start to feel exhausted and emotionally depleted Signs- Things you used to do with your partner do not excite you. Withdrawal, irritability, frustration, nagging Loss of intimacy Loss of ability to compromise or discuss issues […]

When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough

When you know that you’ve given your all to your relationship and it still doesn’t seem good enough- there is probably a deeper rooted issue. Reasons might include: Comparisons- standards and expectations  Lack of Respect- broken promises Lack of Forgiveness- betrayal or deceit Love Language- needs are not met   gifts, quality time, intimacy, affirmation, acts […]

Passive-Aggressive Relationships

Passive-aggressive behavior can be so frustrating to the one on the receiving end.  How do you handle it in a relationship? Passive-aggressive individuals avoid addressing their true feelings (such as hurt, fear, sadness).   Rather than saying how they truly feel- they may Push buttons intentionally to get a response Play the victim- always blaming everyone […]