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Lessons for A Successful Marriage

Flip My Marriage provides dynamic, life-changing tools to couples to help create the marriage they desire. Enrichment opportunities are designed to increase relational skills and provide a blueprint for building a strong, healthy marriage.

Learning to Let Go

CRITICISM 1) It is not your responsibility to “fix” or “save” your partner by telling them what they should change about themselves 2) Seek to praise, NOT to criticize 3) Learn to appreciate the little

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10 Keys to a Happy, Healthy Marriage

1) TRUST You have to trust in a marriage. And when I say this, I mean having assurance and confidence in one’s intentions. Trust in your partner is believing that they want the best for

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Repairing a Broken Relationship

Can trust be restored? Will you ever be able to trust them again? Was their betrayal so painful that you will never trust them again or is this something that is painful yet bearable- as

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The Comparison Factor

So, let me give you a few good reasons why you should not compare your relationship to others: You have no idea what it took for them to get where they are You don’t know

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5 Essentials for Relationship Success

DESIRE- Your partner needs to feel attractive and admired by you. They need to feel needed- like they are an essential part of your life. You’ve got to show affection toward them- kisses on the

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A Little Praise Can Make a Big Difference

Answer these questions: Do you notice their strengths or do you focus on their weaknesses? Do you focus on their potential or only on their flaws? You see, your partner can’t grow if you’re holding

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When Saying I Love You Isn’t Enough

You see, “I love you” requires demonstration. It requires evidence. It requires substantiation. “I love you” should not be used lightly because it also implies the desire to please and express appreciation. When your love

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Is This Really Worth Arguing About?

Pick your battles. It’s really important to weigh the consequences of an argument. Every little issue is not worth fighting about. Some things should be tabled for another day and others should be fully addressed

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IT’S POSSIBLE to have a great marriage!

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