Do You Trust Me?

Building Trust Have you ever told a “little white lie” or “lied by omission”?  Did you think it was OK?  Did you feel guilty?  Or just think “what they don’t know won’t hurt them”?  Some people just don’t get it.  They don’t see how their lack on honesty or inability to be truthful really impacts […]

Building Trust- It’s REQUIRED!

In the journey of love and partnership, trust is required to build a healthy relationship. It’s the unwavering faith in your partner, the confidence that they have your back, and the belief that you can weather life’s storms together. Let’s delve into the importance of trust in relationships and explore strategies to nurture and strengthen […]

5 Essentials for Relationship Success

DESIRE- Your partner needs to feel attractive and admired by you. They need to feel needed- like they are an essential part of your life. You’ve got to show affection toward them- kisses on the forehead, back rubs, holding hands- these little things matter. Fulfill them in every way- create intimacy, connection, opportunities to show, […]