Our Blog

Lessons for A Successful Marriage

Flip My Marriage provides dynamic, life-changing tools to couples to help create the marriage they desire. Enrichment opportunities are designed to increase relational skills and provide a blueprint for building a strong, healthy marriage.

When Saying I Love You Isn’t Enough

You see, “I love you” requires demonstration. It requires evidence. It requires substantiation. “I love you” should not be used lightly because it also implies the desire to please and express appreciation. When your love

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Is This Really Worth Arguing About?

Pick your battles. It’s really important to weigh the consequences of an argument. Every little issue is not worth fighting about. Some things should be tabled for another day and others should be fully addressed

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When The Honeymoon Is OVER!

When dating, we always present our “best self.” We want to impress and entice. We pursue our potential partner with fervor and want to do everything right to make them happy. However, for some, once

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How To RESET Your Relationship

It’s important to realize that relationships have different levels. Each level of your relationship will bring bigger challenges and more complex skills are needed to overcome these obstacles. Getting to the next level can sometimes

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Feeling Empowered In Your Relationship

How you see things affects how you respond to situations and circumstances around you. When you change your thoughts, behaviors, or beliefs- you can ultimately change your life. In the same manner, you also have

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Holding Things Together

Over time things change- from our relationship dynamic, physical appearance, interactions with others, and individual growth. Although all transitions are not bad, they can sometimes be difficult to manage. How can you support your partner

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Hang On Tight, Don’t Let Go

You always hear about “commitment” in relationships. But even deeper than your commitment is your determination. You have to be determined to stay committed. Staying together through the hurt, pain and disappointment requires determination. Both

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Why You Need An Emotionally Fit Marriage

We often talk about the importance of physical fitness to our health and overall well-being. But emotional fitness is just as important. If your partner is unhappy, you can’t be happy. Sometimes they make you

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A Little Space Please?

So why is giving space important in a relationship? Think back- early in your relationship you were probably stuck to each other. I can remember calling just to hear his voice. Not talking about anything.

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IT’S POSSIBLE to have a great marriage!

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