Secrets of A Very Happy Wife

According to the National Marriage Project or the University of Virginia, “wives who report being very happy with their marriages- who are less prone to divorce- aren’t just lucky.” They take action to make their marriage the best despite their situations or circumstances. Here are the 5 predictors of happy wives: 1) They have a […]

Can We Save Our Marriage?

So, what does it take to make marriage last? Let’s look at the research: Feeling special. According to the Early Years of Marriage Project funded by the National Institutes of Health, three-fourths of happy couples reported that their spouses made them feel special often. “Doing or saying small things frequently to make your partner feel […]

Learning to Let Go

CRITICISM 1) It is not your responsibility to “fix” or “save” your partner by telling them what they should change about themselves 2) Seek to praise, NOT to criticize 3) Learn to appreciate the little things that your partner does righ UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS 1) It is unrealistic to expect a perfect partner when you are […]

10 Keys to a Happy, Healthy Marriage

1) TRUST You have to trust in a marriage. And when I say this, I mean having assurance and confidence in one’s intentions. Trust in your partner is believing that they want the best for the relationship and that they are giving every effort to make it work. Trust is really essential in building the […]

Why Saying ‘I Need You To…’ Can Hurt Your Relationship

So- we all say the phrase “I need you to…” at some point in our relationship. But what does that really mean? How does it make your partner feel? Well if you haven’t noticed, they usually get defensive. And I say defensive because it typically implies they haven’t done enough of whatever it is you […]

Do I Tell Too Much? Reasons to Avoid Sharing Relationship Problems

For those of us who tell too much- You have probably been guilty of seeking advice when there were problems in your relationship. Not that getting advice is wrong, it’s just that everyone’s advice isn’t good advice. You want a listening ear- like someone who will empathize with you – but it’s more like someone […]