How to Beat the Odds
“I can’t do this anymore…” Let’s talk about divorce and how to beat the odds.
The Stats:
- There are approximately 750,000 divorces in the US a year.
- The divorce rate is about 2.9 per 1000
- One divorce takes place every 13 seconds.
Top Leading Causes
- Lack of commitment
- Infidelity
- Too much conflict
- Getting married too young
- Finances
**Arkansas has the highest divorce rate at 10.7% in the country.
How do we beat these odds?
Know Your Opponent- DIVORCE
- You know the leading factors, now challenge them
- Preparation is key- go over your plan, review your tactics
- Get ready to fight for your marriage!
Think Like Champion
- They persevere
- They find a way to overcome the obstacles
- They play to WIN
Commit to the Process
- Patience is required
- Marriage is NOT easy, a TRUE MARRIAGE comes with effort and hard work
Control Your Emotions
- Self-control during the tough moments, when things get hard- you can’t just give up because it’s challenging
Use Your Failures to Conquer the Moment
- There will be tough times, learn the lessons, apply what you learn
Focus on Your Goals
- Don’t doubt your ability to achieve your relationship goals
- Don’t lose sight of what you desire for your future goals
- Don’t lose sight of what you desire for your future